

Why do clients visit
LaPrin Skin Center?

LaPrin believes that a physical appearance change can bring a mental change, which can lead to
a positive life attitude, in bargin. We would like to sincerely express gratitude to all clients for
choosing LaPrin Clinic, among many clinics. We will make continuous efforts so that such a
choice would become the momentum to start a more brilliant life.
Possessed Premium Laser Equipment
We use premium laser equipment to present an effective treatment method appropriate for patients’ conditions, rather than innovative treatment. LaPrin’s premium laser equipment involving low pain and side effect, and short recovery period enables a safer and more swift treatment, than existing lasers.
Accurate Diagnosis, Scientific Skin Analysis System
We conduct an objective diagnosis and a scientific analysis of individual skin conditions, through 3D Antara System and Visia Skin Analyzer of American Canfield Co, to consult with patients, as to treatment methods and plan in consideration of patients’ present conditions, and then have medical professionals with multiple experiences provide 1:1 personalized medical services.
Constant Research and Seminars
All medical professionals continue to research and hold seminars, constantly, in order to introduce laser equipment of outstanding therapy effect, swiftly, apply it into substantial treatment, and provide higher-level medical services. We proceed with treatment without side effect and complete a healthy and beautiful skin, by introducing more advanced medical technology and equipment.
State-of-Art Treatment and Care Provided at a Reasonable Cost
Skin and body type treatment that must be performed, over and over, for a long term, with a burden from cost forces some clients to hesitate to receive therapy or care. In this regard, LaPrin Skin Center has applied state-of-art equipment to improve skin and body types, with minimal treatment, in the shortest period, and to minimize the frequency of treatment. You can have no difficulty in receiving therapy and care, at a more reasonable cost.